Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Gua jadi ngeri abis diajak chat ama orang Bule

It's tuesday in the afternoon, baru aja gua chatting ama orang bule dari amrik, biasa gua klo pertama kali chat ama orang asing (apalagi klo dari negara laen) mesti pemikiran gua yang aneh2x... jadi begini percakapan gua ama ni orang

Echo: Hi there

Ludov: ni sapa dah ?
(biasa gua klo ada orang baru ngajak chat, kalimat pertama yang gua kluarin mesti ini)

Echo: English?#

Ludov: who are you?

Echo: Marshal Gray of the I.C.S.

Echo: Or Echo

Echo: I think I found your MSN over on Deviant Art

Ludov: ooohh... I see, well nice to meet you Echo

Echo: And you!

Ludov: Im Ludov from Indonesia

Echo: Well hi Ludov

Ludov: sorry I forgot your Deviantart username, what's your username ?

Echo: I don't have one, sorry, what is yours?

Ludov: iLudov

Echo: Nice

Ludov: what nice ?

Echo: Your art

Ludov: meh... It's an amateur job, everyone can do it

Echo: More than I can do

Ludov: thanks... btw, are you a girl or a boy ?

Echo: Male

(Disini gua mulai curiga, gua takutnya dia sekong nyari santapan illahi)

Ludov: and where are you from ?

Echo: South America

Ludov: and what's ICS ?

Echo: Imperial Civil Service

Echo: I'm a cop

Ludov: Wow, a cop... I thought you're still a Student just like me

(Disini gua mulai parno, gua takutnya dia mo nangkep gua gara2x gua pake Windows XP bajakan)

Echo: Nope

Echo: Police

Ludov: so what's your hobby ?

Echo: Shooting, swordsmanship, archery

Ludov: man...that's a cool hobby, o yeah btw swordmanship is like swinging sword or somethinf else ?

Echo: Learning sword fighting, yes

Echo: And thanks, but it is nothing strange here

Ludov: so what's ICS ? yeah I already know the acronym, but what's ICS exactly is ?

Echo: Imperial Civil Service, it is the military wing that deals in police work, medical, and fire/rescue

Echo: Like the emergency services

Ludov: there's one question that I want to ask

Echo: Sure

Ludov: it sounds pretty nerd but, since ICS is the military wing...does it mean you're "almost" close to Area 51. If you don't want to answer, it's okay. I understand

Echo: I work for South America, not North America, my country is a monarchy not a democracy.

Echo: I have minimum training in extra terrestrial entity and recovery, we have a specialist wing for that

Echo: I was told "If it is terrestrial, arrest it, if it is alien, await instructions from Central Command"

Echo: XD

Ludov: what's the difference between terrestrial and alien ?

Echo: one comes from out of space the other is human

Echo: Why do you ask?

Ludov: well since you're close to military ^^, Im a bit curious about UFO, alien, and other myth stuff

Echo: Hmm?

Ludov: What I mean is... I ask you about UFO, alien, and extraterestrial it's because you're almost close to military... that's all ^^

Echo: I am sorry I don't know much, I know just the guy who does though

Echo: You want to talk to him?

Ludov: no, no... that's okay

Echo: Then why the interest?

Echo: XD

Ludov: everyone interest with this stuff, duh... =D. Hey Echo, Im sorry my friends just ask me to go to the movies... well nice to meet you, till next time !

Gara2x gua ga ngerti gua mesti ngomong apa, ya uda gua akhiri saja

Gua ampe skarang masi bingung ni orang maunya ap, tumben amat ada orang bule amrik nge-add (gobloknya gua approve) gua ngerinya dia sekong aja, atau gak FBI/KOPASSUS/apa kek, ntar klo dia sekong takutnya gua ketularan, klo dia FBI/KOPASSUS/apa kek yang militer gua takutnya ditangkep... serius daritadi gua ga tenang bawaannya ! ga tau gua mau Online YM lagi kapan, takutnya dia muncul lagi nyapa lagi mampus lah gua

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